DFFOO: Dimensions’ End Entropy Tier 1 Team

Freya Yuki
8 min readMar 15, 2020


Here’s yet another old draft that should have been posted ages ago, but I only just now got ‘round to finishing editing it. So this one definitely happened a long while ago. Anyway, let’s get started.

Which characters did you use to Perfect the Dimensions’ End Entropy Tier 1 Chaos quest in the Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia mobile game?

The Dimensions’ End Entropy quests in the Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia mobile game were much harder when compared to both the Dimensions’ End Order and Dimensions’ End Pathos quests. This is because all the Entropy quests are Chaos level.

Dimensions’ End Entropy Tier 1 First Try

I tried the first Tier of Dimensions’ End Entropy after finishing Dimensions’ End Pathos. Chronological order? What chronological order? LOL. Much as I want to do things in chronological order, I think it’s best that I just get all these posted already. I’ll definitely be writing about my Pathos clears in another post.

Anyway, I was still hyped about being able to finish Dimensions’ End Pathos (note to self: include dates on your drafts and notes! I have no idea now when this happened. It was definitely quite a while ago, but I can’t remember the exact date), so I thought I’d give Entropy Tier 1 a try.

There are currently 5 stages available now and more will keep being added, so I thought it was better not to use all my best characters at once. I’d rather not have to repeat the stages just to unlock characters.

Update: oh, the delicious irony of such a statement. This post is definitely a trip down memory lane. So much for not wanting to have to repeat the stages just to unlock characters. That’s exactly what I ended up doing. And more than once at that. But I’m getting ahead of myself. At the very least, let’s try to keep this post in chronological order, yeah? Well, as much as I can anyway.

It’s near impossible for a Crystal Level 60 and base Ex only Firion to handle a Chaos quest

So, anyway, for Entropy Tier 1, I decided to bring my Purple Agrias Oaks (from Final Fantasy Tactics), my Ex+ 1/3 Lilisette (from Final Fantasy XI), and Firion (from Final Fantasy II)with Ramuh (at least, I think it was Ramuh. Seriously, why are my notes incomplete?) Summon.

I failed. Firion just wasn’t cutting it. His damage was way too lackluster and subpar compared to Agrias and Lilisette. Well, he was only Crystal Level 60 and Level 60 since he can’t be Awakened to 70 yet. He doesn’t even have his Ex+ yet, so, yeah, it was only to be expected that he’d be super underwhelming in this fight.

Sigh. I’d have been better off bringing an Ex+ 0/3 character. Oh, well. It’s too bad, but no worries. There’s no pressure at all since the Entropy quests are permanent, so I can put it off for now.

Dimensions’ End Entropy Tier 1 Take 2

Once again, I have no idea when I did this, but, at least I actually wrote down that I tried this fight again, this time using Agrias, Lilisette, and Tidus (from Final Fantasy X). Tidus was Ex+ 0/3, but he just wasn’t cutting it. His skill set is really awkward because one of his very important buffs only lasts for 3 turns, and since I don’t have him Purpled, using his Ex won’t renew the buff.

He was only at Crystal Level 61, but I got him to 70 to try this tier. I regret doing that now since he uses Blue Crystals. I need more Blue Crystals, especially since I just got Cait Sith’s (from Final Fantasy VII) Ex. And Rosa Joanna Farrell (from Final Fantasy IV), who is coming soon, also needs Blue Crystals. She will, of course, be instantly Purpled, taken to Crystal Level 70, and leveled to 70.

Tidus’ current level wasn’t 70, but I don’t think that should make much of a difference for this fight, especially since I actually have some decent Artifacts (just got really lucky since I wasn’t really seriously farming for his Arts, not like what I’ve done for my faves like Zack Fair and Cloud Strife from Final Fantasy VII) for him. He has the following Artifacts equipped:

  • attack 108 with max brave 330
  • attack 108 with Mighty Quick Hit★★
  • attack 108 with Mighty Slash★★

For his last 2 slots, he has 2 initial brave 170 with max brave 330. I’ve also mastered all the currently available Summon Boards for him. And yet, even with all that, he still didn’t do well at all.

I can’t quite bring myself to Purple him though. Honestly, I already regret giving him even just a Book in the first place. I only really did that so I could get the Ingot to Purple Cloud. I should have waited and used that Book on someone else.

Dimensions’ End Entropy Tier 1 Perfect Team Clear

Next, I tried Entropy Tier 1 using Machina Kunagiri (from Final Fantasy Type-0), Agrias, and Lilisette with Ramuh Summon.

Agrias was Purple and fully MLB with the following Artifacts equipped:

  • attack 108 with Brave Holy Knight Boost★★
  • attack 108 with Brave Holy Knight Boost★★
  • attack 108 with max brave 110

Lilisette was at Ex+ 1/3 and fully MLB with the following Artifacts equipped:

  • Bravery Sensual Dance★★ with Moonshade Butterfly Boost★★
  • initial brave 100 with Moonshade Butterfly Boost★★
  • attack 36 with Moonshade Butterfly Boost★★

Machina was double Purple and fully MLB, and he’s equipped with 3 attack 108 with max brave 330 Artifacts.

I’ve mastered all the currently available Summon Boards for all 3. IIRC, that was only 3 or 4 Boards at that time.

This was the team that got me the perfect for Entropy Tier 1. Having 2 Purple characters really helped.

Lilisette from Final Fantasy XI

Lilisette’s debuffs were quite useful. I’m really glad that I could use her in an Entropy quest since I kind of regret giving her an Ingot.

I wish I had just left her at Ex+ 0/3, especially since I don’t even use her much anymore. She can’t even heal. Well, she can heal herself, but what good is that? If I bring her, I’d still have to bring a healer for the rest of the party.

Update: I do still kind of regret giving Lilisette an Ingot. Nowadays, I really don’t use her at all anymore since she’s horribly been outclassed by better supports who can heal. But at least I was able to lock her on to an Entropy Tier, so it’s not that bad. Now if only I could do the same for Tidus.

Agrias Oaks from Final Fantasy Tactics

Agrias’ guaranteed paralyze was a godsend. Not only does she hit hard, she also supported the party with her battery and healing. She served as my healer, so I didn’t need to bring an actual healer.

Machina Kunagiri from Final Fantasy Type-0

Machina is super special awesome. I’ll definitely be talking more about him in another post, but, for now, let me just say that he’s one of my favorite characters in DFFOO. So, yes, that’s why I have him double Purple.

That’s also why I took the time to farm him the perfect Artifacts. For his last 2 Artifact slots, I even got him 2 attack 108 with Dual-Wielding Star Pupil Boost★★.

Machina is an amazing damage dealer. He may not be the best, but I don’t regret Purpling him

I’m even thinking of giving him some Spheres. I just haven’t done so yet because I’d like to focus on finishing filling up the Sphere slots for Cloud and Zack first. I use him as often as I can. Definitely no regrets in Purpling him.

His is also the char whose LD (new weapon tier in the Japanese version of the game) I want to get when it shows up in the global version of Dissidia. Well, I’d want Cloud’s and Zack’s too, but the LD for those 2 haven’t been released yet.

Machina hits hard, and his free turns really helped with the turn count requirement of this Entropy fight. If there’s one thing I regret, it’s the fact that I already locked Machina in this Tier. I would have loved to be able to use him in a higher Entropy quest.

Dimensions’ End Entropy Tier 7

This is totally still about Entropy Tier 1, I swear. But we do have to jump to Tier 7 for now, just for a short bit. Anyway, when this quest dropped, I wanted to use Machina to get the Perfect. Well, honestly, I wanted to use Tidus. I did try him there, but, as usual, he just wasn’t cutting it. Let’s talk more about that in another post.

I mentioned Entropy Tier 7 because this was the reason why I decided to remove my Perfect clear in Entropy Tier 1. I wanted to use Machina in 7, but he was currently locked on to 1. So I had to remove my Tier 1 Perfect to free up Machina.

I hesitated as my finger hovered over the “remove Perfect” button. Do I really want to do Tier 1 again? There was also the worry that I might not be able to get the Perfect again.

But I needed Machina for 7, so, in the end, I did it. I removed my Perfect in Entropy Tier 1.

Dimensions’ End Entropy Tier 1 New Perfect Team Clear

This time, there were 5 currently available Summon Boards. I made sure all my characters had all their Boards mastered before trying this fight. I brought Lilisette, Agrias, and Tidus with The Brothers Summon.

Unfortunately, I forgot to take a screenshot of my previous clear before removing my Perfect, so the screenshot below is only of my new Entropy Tier 1 clear.

Lilisette and Agrias were the same as before. Tidus is still at Ex+ 0/3, but this time, I actually have him leveled to 70. I also got his Bloom Stone and even Realized his armor so I could equip the passives from his Bloom Stone and Summon Boards.

This fight was much easier than when I last tried it. Having more Summon Board stats definitely helped. As usual, Lilisette and Agrias did very well.

Tidus from Final Fantasy X

As for Tidus, well, he was still underwhelming, but it definitely helped to have gotten his Bloom Stone. By the end of the fight, he had no skills left. I think it was the same for Agrias and Lilisette.

I won, but got a lower score than before. It doesn’t really matter though. What matters is that I got the Perfect.

A non-Purple Tidus is so underwhelming

I’m super pleased that I was finally able to lock Tidus on to an Entropy fight even at Ex+ 0/3. Phew. I still regret giving him a Book, but being able to use him in an Entropy Tier lessens that somewhat.

And, now, not only do I have Tidus locked on to Entropy Tier 1, I also have Machina free for Entropy Tier 7. Yay!


  • pics are from Amazon.com; links shown above
  • screenshots are from my Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia game account

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Originally published on https://freyayuki.tumblr.com/ on March 15, 2020.



Freya Yuki
Freya Yuki

Written by Freya Yuki

Writer, blogger, storyteller, theme creator. Writes about many different topics and subjects like books, anime, movies, news, tutorials, guides and more.

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