Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia Dimensions’ End Entropy Tier 3
Here’s yet another old draft that should have been posted ages ago. Welp, do I need to preface every post with this? I guess I just want to make it clear this happened a while ago. Anyway, let’s get started.
I managed to get the Dissidia Final Fantasy (#ad): Opera Omnia (DFFOO) mobile game’s Dimensions’ End Entropy Tier 3 quest Perfected using the following team:
- Y’shtola Rhul from Final Fantasy XIV
- Ultimecia from Final Fantasy VIII
- Oerba Dia Vanille from Final Fantasy XIII
Y’shtola Rhul from Final Fantasy XIV
I have Y’shtola Purple and fully MLB, equipped with the following Artifacts:
- Initial Brave 170 with Max Brave 200
- Initial Brave 100 with Max Brave 330
- Initial Brave 170 with Max Brave 330
Ultimecia from Final Fantasy VIII
I have Ultimecia Purple and fully MLB, equipped with the following Artifacts:
- 2 Attack 108 with Max Brave 330
- Attack 108 with Max Brave 110
Oerba Dia Vanille from Final Fantasy XIII
I have Vanille fully MLB and at Ex+ 0/3, equipped with the following Artifacts:
- Attack 65 with Max Brave 330
- Max Brave 330 with 1020 HP
- Attack 108 with Initial Brave 55
Dimensions’ End Entropy Tier 3 Fight
This was a very annoying fight. I needed Vanille for the dispel because the enemies here liked to buff themselves a lot. But Vanille was basically useless at Ex+ 0/3.
I think I tried this fight before with her, Ultimecia, and someone else (can’t remember who. Seriously, why are my notes incomplete?), but having just 1 Purple character in this Chaos stage just wasn’t cutting it, so I had to bring in Y’shtola (#ad).
Between her and Ultimecia, they managed to carry Vanille to victory. I actually considered Purpling Vanille, but couldn’t really justify it at that time since it felt like I was only doing it for this Tier.
It didn’t help that I already have a Serah Farron (from Final Fantasy XIII) with perfect Artifacts (triple All Debuff Attack Boost★★ (Raises party’s MAX BRV, ATK by 10% while enemy is debuffed) with Charged Moonlight Boost★★ (Moonlight use +1; raises own MAX BRV by 20%)) to debuff enemies and battery the party. I also already have Faris Scherwiz (Sarisa Scherwil Tycoon from Final Fantasy V) for more debuffing as well as dispelling.
Anyway, I was really glad to finally be done with this Tier. Am also really pleased that I actually managed to win even when using an Ex+ 0/3 Vanille. My only regret is forgetting to take a screenshot of this clear before removing my Perfect and redoing this stage.
Dimensions’ End Entropy Tier 6
I heard that Dimensions’ End Entropy Tier 6 “required” debuff immunity, which worried me because:
- I don’t have Yuna’s (from Final Fantasy X) Ex. While her Esuna isn’t tied to her Ex, I highly doubt that she’d be usable in a Chaos stage with only her 15cp and 35cp even if those weapons are fully MLB. I could get her Ex from the Dimensions’ End Order Token shop, but I really, really don’t want to go through the trouble (that’s totally an understatement, by the way. I still remember having to farm for Serah’s cursed Arts. Shudder) of farming for her perfect, cursed Artifacts
- I don’t have Aphmau (from Final Fantasy XI) (she gives the party 100% debuff immunity) built since I never pulled on her event banner. I only have the free copy of her 15cp. Even if I did have her, since she doesn’t even have an Ex, I also doubt that she could help clear a Chaos stage. Well, I guess it might work if she (or Yuna) was being carried by 2 Purple characters
- My Lenna Charlotte Tycoon (from Final Fantasy V) (she also gives the party 100% debuff immunity) is currently locked on to Dimensions’ End Entropy Tier 4, and I was reluctant to remove my Perfect from that stage
- I do have Selphie Tilmitt (from Final Fantasy VIII) fully MLB, but she doesn’t give 100% debuff immunity. If I’m remembering correctly, she only gives 80% with her Wall skill, so there’s still a chance that the party could be inflicted with debuffs
- Ignis Scientia (from Final Fantasy XV) offers 100% debuff immunity like Lenna and Aphmau, but the problem was that I’m only planning to throw tickets on his banner, so I can’t be sure if I’ll be able to get him
Update: oh, goddess, the irony of those words. I’ll talk more about this in another post, but, for now, I’ll just say that my plans have been completely derailed. I ended up getting Ignis’ Ex using gems (so much for only using tickets. Argh!). To make matters worse, I didn’t even use him for Dimensions’ End Entropy Tier 6.
So I had to look for other options, which led to me searching for videos of Entropy Tier 6 clears. I was particularly interested in finding out if it was actually possible to Perfect this stage without having debuff immunity or Esuna.
I found this video that featured a Purple the Emperor (from Final Fantasy II), a Purple Y’shtola, and a Realized (it’s in Japanese, so can’t quite tell if she had 1 or 2 Ingots) Rosa Joanna Farrell (from Final Fantasy IV).
There’s no debuff immunity or Esuna in that team, so they did end up getting hit with debuffs. But they managed to win anyway, which shows that having debuff immunity isn’t completely necessary for this fight.
Free Y’shtola from Dimensions’ End Entropy Tier 3
While considering using the same team for my own Entropy Tier 6 clear, I remembered that my Y’shtola was currently locked on to Dimensions’ End Entropy Tier 3. I was reluctant to redo this battle, considering how hard it was to complete the first time.
But since I now had Vanille Purpled (will talk about why I ended up Purpling her in another post. It wasn’t for this fight though), I thought the fight should be much easier this time. However, before I could redo this quest, I needed another character to join my Purple Vanille and Purple Ultimecia. This character had to be a healer since neither Ultimecia nor Vanille could heal.
It was then that I remembered that I actually had 2 healers locked on to Dimensions’ End Entropy Tier 2 — base Ex only Sherlotta (from Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Echoes of Time)and Ex+ 0/3 Rem Tokimiya (from Final Fantasy Type-0). Which meant redoing Tier 2, so I could free up a healer.
Dimensions’ End Entropy Tier 3 Perfect Team Clear
After Perfecting Entropy Tier 2 again, I turned my sights on to Dimensions’ End Entropy Tier 3. This time, I brought Ex+ 0/3 Rem, Purple Ultimecia, and Purple Vanille with Leviathan Summon.
Ultimecia and Vanille have the same Arts as before. Rem is fully MLB and has the following Artifacts equipped:
- Attack 108 with Initial Brave 100
- Attack 108 with Max Brave 110
- Attack 108 with Bravery Swap Turns★★
This Chaos fight went much, much better when compared to my previous try. I actually ended up getting a higher score than before, which was only to be expected since I barely scraped by last time, considering I had to carry a useless Vanille.
Well, now, she’s no longer useless. Vanille definitely pulled her weight in this clear. Her Ex charges fast, she can battery the team, she can debuff the enemy, and she can remove their buffs. It seems the only thing she can’t do is heal.
Good thing I have Rem for that. Even at Ex+ 0/3, Rem did great. Her turn manipulation is awesome. She provides party auras. Her Ex charges fast and deals 100% AoE damage to all enemies.
As for Ultimecia - well, she was brilliant, as always. Her free turns helped with the turn count requirement. As can be expected, she also dealt a lot of damage.
The screenshot below shows my most recent Entropy Tier 3 team:
So, what about you? Who did you use to Perfect Dimensions’ End Entropy Tier 3? Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions by leaving a comment below or by clapping this post.
- pics are from Amazon.com; links shown above
- screenshots are from my Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia game account
Disclosure: “Freya Yuki is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com.” Read more
Originally published at https://freyayuki.tumblr.com/ on March 21, 2020.