Fate/Grand Order Saber Wars II Space Ishtar and Calamity Jane Banner Pulls

Freya Yuki
17 min readJan 14, 2023


The Revival: SABER WARS 2 — To the Beginning of Space — Lite event just started in the Fate/Grand Order (FGO) mobile game.

This came with the Revival: SABER WARS 2 Pickup Summon banner which features the following chars:

  • 5-star SSR Avenger, Space Ishtar
  • 4-star SR Archer, Calamity Jane

Thoughts about Avenger Space Ishtar

I like 5-star SSR Avenger Space Ishtar from Fate/Grand Order (#ad) well enough, I suppose, but wouldn’t really call her a fave or anything. Well, I do like the art of her 3rd Ascension and her alt costume.

But right now, don’t really know much about Space Ishtar. That’s because I didn’t get to play through the Saber Wars 2 event when it first showed up.

Or at least, I’m nearly 100% certain that I was on a hiatus from FGO when the aforementioned event happened. So I don’t know anything about the story of said event.

What gives me pause and what makes me wonder though is the fact that I apparently have 1 copy of the 5-star SSR Craft Essence (CE) Princess of Red Bean Paste, 1 copy of the 4-star SR CE Planet Rock, and 1 or 3 copies of the 3-star CE Cultural and Martial Arts (Simultaneously). These Craft Essences are also on rate-up on the Saber Wars 2 banner.

Since I wasn’t playing the game when the Saber Wars II event was ongoing, have no idea where and how I got copies of the aforementioned CEs.

Pretty sure I really wasn’t playing FGO during Saber Wars 2 because I don’t even have any copies of the shop CEs, don’t have the featured Command Codes or Space Ishtar’s alt costume, the Mystic Code that apparently only came with this event, and don’t know anything about the story either.

Maybe these CEs were also featured on another event or something. I know I was able to play through the first Saber Wars event although that happened what feels like forever ago.

Anyway, my main interest in Space Ishtar is primarily because she’s a really good Arts looper under the so-called “Double CAstoria System”.

This involves using 2 5-star SSR Caster Altrias or Artorias plus 1 DPS who has an Arts Noble Phantasm (NP). Hoping to get at least 2 copies of Space Ishtar from the Saber Wars 2 banner.

Don’t know anything about Calamity Jane and not really interested in her. Doubt I’d get her anyway.

Because I can still remember how I failed to get 4-star SR Lancer, Mysterious Alter Ego Λ (also known as Mysterious Alter Ego Lambda, Lambdaryllis, and Meltryllis).

Threw all the Saint Quartz (SQ) and Summon Tickets that I had on her banner but sadly, Lancer Melt never showed up.

The 5-star SSR on that banner was Foreigner, Abigail Williams. Wasn’t interested in her. Only pulled on said banner for Summer Meltryllis.

But somehow I ended up with 3 copies of Abby and 0 copies of Summer Melt because eff this game. I talk more about that in another post.

Now I’m just hoping that I’ll be able to get Space Ishtar as “easily” as I was able to get 3 copies of Abigail Williams.

Also hoping that I can get at least 1 or 2 copies of the 5-star SSR CE The Black Grail. My copy of this CE is stuck at Level 60 of 60. Need 2 more copies in order to be able to fully MLB this CE.

Revival: SABER WARS 2 Pickup Summon Banner Pulls Results

Currently, have 135 SQ and 46 tickets on hand. Already got all the tickets in my gift box as well as the ones available in the shops and such.

As for the Saint Quartz — still have a lot in my gift box and as SQ fragments. Decided to roll with all these SQ and tickets first.

Fate/Grand Order now has a “pity system” but it costs 900 for 1 rate-up SSR. If you happen to get the rate-up SSR before spending 900 SQ, you’re not guaranteed to get another copy even if you keep pulling until you spend 900 SQ.

In short, this so-called pity system sucks. I doubt I even have 900 SQ even if I get all the Saint Quartz I have in my gift box and as fragments.

Don’t want to have to pity Space Ishtar anyway even if I can afford it because I’d like more than 1 copy in order to further increase her damage output.

Anyway, so I started using my tickets first. Here’s a list of the notable Servants and Craft Essences that I was able to get from this banner.

Didn’t bother to take screenshots of everything though, especially since more often than not, I just ended up getting bronze and silver trash.

One of my summon tickets gave me my first copy of 4-star SR Berserker, Frankenstein.

Well, at least she’s new. Still, wish I could have gotten Space Ishtar already. Also don’t really have a use for Fran since I already have other Berserkers.

Her NP isn’t even Arts so she doesn’t have synergy with Caster Altria. And, unfortunately, don’t have my own 5-star SSR Caster, Scáthach-Skadi, the premier support for Quick-type chars.

After a few more tickets, I was surprised but super pleased when a gold Avenger card showed up. Hell, yes!

So happy to see this turn into my very first copy of 5-star SSR Avenger, Space Ishtar.

Here are some more screenshots of Space Ishtar:

Was down to around 30 or so tickets when Space Ishtar showed up. IIRC, I got her a bit before the end of my second 10-draw.

Wasn’t keeping exact track of this since I was just tossing tickets on the Saber Wars 2 banner so can’t remember for sure anymore.

Still have 26 tickets left but for now, decided to try my luck with a multi-draw using 30 SQ. This brought my 135 SQ down to 105 SQ.

Was hoping to get another copy of Space Ishtar but instead I got my very first copy of 4-star SR Archer, Calamity Jane.

Well, at least she’s new. Not really interested in her though. And right now, I just find myself thinking back to my pulls on the Summer Meltryllis and Abigail Williams banner.

How come Melt who I really wanted never showed up at all and yet Jane who I’m not even interested in actually appeared on my first multi on the Saber Wars 2 banner? Sigh.

The rest of this multi didn’t give me any other gold which sucks. I did get a new 3-star CE but didn’t bother even looking up more details about it. This wasn’t even the rate-up 3-star CE. LOL.

Decided to do another multi-draw. This time, I got a gold Berserker card.

This turned into my very first copy of 4-star SR Berserker, Penthesilea or Berserker of El Dorado.

This reminds me of how I also got some off-banner 4-stars on the Summer Melt banner. Was really pissed off because how could I get these off-banner SRs and yet not a single copy of Lancer Meltryllis who was supposed to be on rate-up?

Anyway, this multi also gave me 1 copy of the 4-star rate-up CE and 1 copy of the 3-star rate-up CE. Other than that, the rest were all basically trash and useless.

Decided to go back to using my tickets since the results of my multi-draws weren’t really that good. Couldn’t even get the rate-up 5-star CE.

Thankfully, my tickets ended up coming through for me again since a bit later on, I was able to get another gold Avenger card. Hell, yes.

Yay for getting my second copy of Space Ishtar.

So happy that I was able to get Space Ishtar to NP2.

Used up the rest of my tickets but sadly, wasn’t able to get any more copies of Space Ishtar or anything else of worth.

Tried another multi-draw but this one turned out to be crap too. Well, I did get 2 copies of the rate-up 5-star CE plus 1 copy of the rate-up 3-star CE but still. It sucks that I wasn’t able to get even 1 gold Servant on this draw.

Technically, I should be done with this banner now since I was able to get NP2 Space Ishtar already. But since I still have some SQ, I’m wondering if maybe I should keep pulling.

Maybe I should try for NP3 Space Ishtar? Maybe my remaining resources will give me more copies of her. Maybe I can even get another copy of The Black Grail.

Of course, there’s no guarantee that I’ll be able to get anything good if I continue to pull here. I could just end up with crap and more crap.

Maybe I should just save the resources that I have left and just leave this banner alone already. But I don’t know. I kinda feel like pulling some more. Thought about this for a bit longer, considering the pros and cons, before deciding to just go for it.

Here are the results of the rest of my more notable pulls on the Saber Wars 2 banner. This time, I just stuck to doing single pulls.

Got more copies of the rate-up CEs but didn’t bother taking note of them anymore. Also didn’t bother to take screenshots if I got CEs that weren’t really of use to me.

  • 5-star SSR CE, Volumen Hydrargyrum

This is like my second or third dupe of this CE. Not really pleased to see this. Can’t even remember the last time I used this Craft Essence.

Only bothered to take a screenshot of this because it’s a 5-star CE and — argh, if I was gonna get a 5-star CE, why couldn’t it have been another copy of The Black Grail instead? Sigh.

  • 5-star SSR CE, Love’s Curse

This is my first copy of Love’s Curse. It seems like a decent enought CE, I suppose, but seeing as I only have 1 copy of this, I doubt I’ll ever bother to equip this when I can just use my fully leveled and maxed out Craft Essences like Aerial Drive and Golden Sumo.

  • 4-star SR Saber, Rama

It was nice seeing a gold Servant card even though it turned out to be a Saber instead of an Avenger.

That Saber card then turned into my very first copy of 4-star SR Saber, Rama.

Well, at least I got a new Servant but still. Space Ishtar, doko da?

  • 5-star SSR Lancer, Karna

A bit later on, got a gold Lancer card from a single draw. I thought I was gonna get a 4-star Servant again.

So I was really surprised when 5-star SSR Lancer, Karna showed up instead. Nice.

This is my very first copy of Karna. While I am pleased to see this, I do wish that I’d gotten another copy of Space Ishtar instead.

When I ran out of SQ, I went to exchange all my Saint Quartz fragments to get more.

When that ran out too, went to claim all the SQ I had yet to get from clearing missions like “complete x amount of interludes”, “complete x amount of rank up quests”, etc. Then I also started getting the SQ from my gift box.

Was able to get 37, 34, 42 and then 35 SQ from doing all of the above.

  • 4-star SR Rider, Marie Antoinette

Another single draw gave me a gold Rider card.

This turned into a copy of 4-star SR Rider, Marie Antoinette. Ugh. Was really disappointed when I saw her because this is like my third or fourth dupe of Marie.

Haven’t even bothered to fuse the dupes of her that I already got because it’s been a long time since I last used her.

  • 4-star SR Archer, Calamity Jane

Got my second copy of Calamity Jane although haven’t bothered to fuse them yet. After all, don’t really have any plans of using her.

Already have lots of other Archers that I can use so haven’t even bothered to level up Calamity Jane yet.

Continued pulling. A lot. Just kept on pulling and pulling and pulling some more. Even did another multi-draw. But it was all for nothing. Just kept on getting crap and more crap. No more gold Servants showed up. The few gold CEs I got were all useless.

I kinda regret continuing to pull on this banner. I could and should have stopped a few pulls ago like after I got Karna. Now it feels like I just wasted a lot of SQ for nothing.

I want to stop pulling already. But somehow, that’s easier said than done. For now, I’ve finally been able to tear myself away from this banner but I don’t know if I’ll be able to keep on resisting throwing more SQ here until the Saber Wars 2 event ends.

One moment, I really deeply regret continuing to pull here and want to just save what little Saint Quartz I have left for future banners. But the next, I feel the urge to keep on trying and hoping to get another copy of Space Ishtar and even The Black Grail.

I don’t know. I should stop. I should just walk away from this banner but I don’t know if I can. Maybe I’ll just keep on pulling until I’m completely out of SQ. I guess we’ll see how it goes.

5-star SSR Avenger, Space Ishtar

Anyway, I finally got ‘round to leveling up my Space Ishtar to the max. After getting her to Level 90, decided to Grail her to Level 100 to further increase her damage output.

Gave her the 3-star Fous. Would have given her the 4-star ones as well but I’m all out of those so will have to wait until the game gives me more.

Update: been playing through the Saber Wars 2 event so was able to get a few of the gold Fous already. Gave them all to Space Ishtar so she now has +1060 HP and +1040 ATK.

It’s gonna take a long time before I can get her to +2k ATK and +2k HP though since we only get a few gold Fous at a time.

Been using Space Ishtar already while I play through the Saber Wars 2 event so I now have her at Bond 5 of 10.

Got all of Ishtar’s skills to their max of Level 10. Unlocked her second Append skill (Load Magical Energy or Mana Loading) and maxed that out to Level 10 as well.

Still have some of her Servant Coins but I’m still trying to decide if I want to unlock her Extra Attack Boost Append skill 1, her Anti-Archer (ATK Up) Append skill 3, or level her up past 100. So I’ve just left her as-is for now.

Saber Wars II Story Event

Started playing through the Saber Wars 2 story event already. The story’s pretty good and interesting.

The event is pretty easy since we get damage-boosting CEs and I now have my own Space Ishtar for farming. Ishtar herself gets a damage boost in this event, which makes things even easier.

After clearing the main story, I was finally able to unlock Space Ishtar’s Ashtart Origin Spiritron Dress or alt costume.

Bought the item from the shop and spent the resources needed to unlock it so I have the option of changing Ishtar’s skin to this.

Revival: SABER WARS 2 Pickup Summon Banner Pulls Results Part 2

As I feared, couldn’t help but return to the Saber Wars 2 banner to keep on pulling some more.

Still just kept on getting crap and more crap though. It was really disheartening and frustrating. I wanted to stop but couldn’t seem to help it.

I felt like I might as well just keep on going until I was all out of SQ since I’d already wasted enough as it was anyway.

Aside from the useless trash I kept on getting, the rate-up CEs also kept on showing up. Ahh, if only the same can be said for the rate-up Servants. Sigh. Rate-up is a lie. LOL.

At one point, I got another new CE. Initially, I thought this was a 5-star CE but upon taking a closer look, this was actually just a 4-star one. Still wish this had been The Black Grail instead though.

The Craft Essence I got was called The Beginning of Ambition. It increases Arts card effectiveness by 10%. It also increases HP recovery amount by 10%.

Much, much later, just as I was once again lamenting the fact that no more gold Servants (not even 4-star dupes or something) have shown up even though I feel like I’ve already spent thousands of SQ on this banner, I was surprised when a gold card actually appeared.

Even more shocking was the fact that this turned out to be a gold Avenger card. I was trying to remember if there were other gold Avenger Servants in the non-limited pool but it was only now that I’m writing this down that I was able to clearly remember the existence of Hessian Lobo or the Avenger of Shinjuku.

Hessian Lobo is a 4-star SR Avenger that’s already spooked me twice. I’m so glad that that didn’t happen for the third time because this gold Avenger card turned into my third copy of Space Ishtar instead.

Hell, yes! NP3 Space Ishtar, let’s go! Yay! Really pleased to see this. Readily fused this copy of Ishtar to my main copy.

And that’s it. I really am done with this banner now. NP5 Space Ishtar would be really nice, of course, but I don’t think that’s gonna be possible unless I whale or get really, really lucky.

Don’t want to take my chances anymore. Besides, I’m close to running out of SQ by now so best to just cut my losses already.

Now I no longer regret continuing to pull even if it still sucks that I kept on getting lots of crap. At least I was able to get NP3 Space Ishtar and a few other gold Servants and CEs.

So, all things considered, this banner was actually pretty good to me. Hopefully, the next banner I pull on will be good to me as well.

On a side note, I ended up with multiple copies of the rate-up Craft Essences thanks to pulling on the Saber Wars 2 banner.

Got enough copies of the 3-star CE to be able to MLB 3 of them and then have 3 more left over. Was able to MLB 1 copy of the 4-star CE and then have 2 more left over. Was able to MLB 1 copy of the 5-star CE and then have 4 more left over.

I’m mostly done with the event now so the screenshots also show that I now have the shop CEs as well.


So, what about you? What do you think about the Revival: SABER WARS 2 — To the Beginning of Space — Lite event? Did you pull for Space Ishtar and/or Calamity Jane?

What do you think about these chars and the Saber Wars 2 event? Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions by leaving a comment below or by reblogging this post.


  • screenshots are from my Fate/Grand Order game account

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Originally published at https://freyayuki.tumblr.com/ on January 14, 2023.



Freya Yuki
Freya Yuki

Written by Freya Yuki

Writer, blogger, storyteller, theme creator. Writes about many different topics and subjects like books, anime, movies, news, tutorials, guides and more.

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