Final Fantasy Brave Exvius Japan Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Reunion Event
Recently, the Japanese version of the Final Fantasy Brave Exvius (FFBE) mobile game announced a Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Reunion event.
This includes several quests and banners. The featured chars from this event are all from Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Reunion and they are as follows:
- Zack Fair
- Angeal Hewley
- Cissnei
- Genesis Rhapsodos
Was really excited and happy when I heard that Genesis was finally being added as a playable char to Final Fantasy Brave Exvius. I feel like I’ve been waiting forever for him to become a playable char in FFBE.
Since I started playing FFBE, I’ve been hoping for Genesis to be added to this game. That’s because Genesis Rhapsodos from Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII (#ad) is currently my absolute, most fave Final Fantasy char.
Final Fantasy Brave Exvius and Final Fantasy Record Keeper Collab Event
I talk more about this in other posts but, IIRC, I started playing the Global or English version of Final Fantasy Brave Exvius way back when it had a collab event with the Final Fantasy Record Keeper (FFRK) mobile game.
Back then, FFBE was expecting the start of the Neo Visions (NV) era. The first Neo Visions banner to be released will feature Cloud Strife from Final Fantasy VII and he’ll be known as Cloud (FFVII REMAKE).
Decided to continue playing FFBE even after its collab with FFRK ended since I was interested in the aforementioned upcoming Final Fantasy 7 event.
Also, I saw some of the animated Limit Breaks (LBs) of some of the chars in FFBE, and I thought they were pretty cool. Even the upcoming Cloud (FFVII REMAKE) NV char will also have a CG LB.
These CG LBs may be short but they’re very nice to look at and they even feature a few lines.
This was a very stark contrast to the Global version of Final Fantasy Record Keeper. In the English version of FFRK, the Soul Breaks of the chars aren’t voiced.
But in the Japanese version of FFRK, there are some Soul Breaks that are voiced. This includes some of Genesis’s Soul Breaks.
I’d always hoped that the English version will eventually get these voiced Soul Breaks too but now that’s never gonna happen since, unfortunately, the Global version of FFRK has just ended its service. I talk more about that in other posts.
Final Fantasy Brave Exvius Global Version
Anyway, so I started playing the Global version of FFBE. Was able to get NV Cloud (FFVII REMAKE) and a few other chars and such. I talk more about that in another post.
The screenshot below shows that my Cloud (FFVII REMAKE) is now at NV Ex+ 3/3 but that definitely took a while before that happened.
I continued playing Final Fantasy Brave Exvius but I eventually stopped since I got kinda burnt out. IIRC, I stopped playing sometime during or after the Halloween event that featured NV Ibara. That was a long time ago though so don’t remember all the exact details anymore.
I think I also got bored. Just wasn’t having fun anymore. Haven’t even finished playing through the entirety of the game’s story mode yet. Also, IIRC, the game didn’t even have pity back then, which really sucked.
I remember wanting a copy of NV Aerith (FFVII REMAKE) but I wasn’t able to get her because I didn’t have any more lapis to try pulling for her. Even if I had some lapis, there was no guarantee that I’d get her since there was no pity.
Update: it was only sometime after I found my way back to FFBE that I was able to get a copy of Aerith (FFVII REMAKE). Was even able to get her to NV Ex+ 1/3 but, unfortunately, by now, she’s been horribly powercrept.
Was also busy with lots of other stuff, so didn’t really have time for FFBE. And I was playing other games that I found more interesting than FFBE.
Like FFRK has its faults and things that I don’t like about it but at least it has Genesis as a playable char. So if I had to choose, of course, I’d pick the game that has my fave Genesis in it.
Final Fantasy Brave Exvius and Kingdom Hearts Union Cross Collab
So I just stopped playing FFBE. I still sometimes checked out news about it though.
I mean, if they ever add Genesis as a playable char then of course, I’m gonna wanna play again. I was always hoping for that to happen but it never seemed to.
Much, much later, I remember hearing that Final Fantasy Brave Exvius was gonna have a collab with the Kingdom Hearts Union Cross (KHUX) mobile game.
Was kinda interested in this so kept an eye and ear out for when it would start. When the event in question started, I heard it came with some daily free draws too so I downloaded FFBE again.
The only thing I can clearly remember about the free draw I did was that I got the 5-star version of Sora from Kingdom Hearts.
5-stars have long since been powercrept. There’s no way they’d be used over a Neo Visions char.
Not being able to get any of the featured Kingdom Hearts NV chars (Sora, Rikku, and/or Kairi) quickly made me lose interest in FFBE again.
It didn’t help that my FFBE account was basically the same as when I’d left it. Still didn’t have enough lapis to pull.
I mean, I could continue playing through the story and doing the available events and such to try and get more lapis but I just didn’t feel like it.
So I ended up just deleting the game again. Didn’t bother to try logging in daily to see if maybe the rest of the free pulls will give me something good.
I kinda regret that now. At the very least, I really wish that I’d tried to get the Kingdom Hearts versions of Cloud Strife and Sephiroth from Final Fantasy VII.
They’re both only of 5-star rarity although they can be upgraded to 7-stars. Either way, they’re useless but I would have loved to have gotten at least 1 copy of each of them for collection purposes.
Since both are time-limited, I’ll never be able to get either of them unless we get another Kingdom Hearts collab or something.
Unfortunately, another Kingdom Hearts collab event seems unlikely to happen anytime soon or even at all since the KHUX mobile game has also ended its service.
Neo Visions Sephiroth, Tifa, and Aerith
Although I once again stopped playing FFBE, I still checked news about it every once in a while to see if there are any interesting chars that will be added soon or something. Yes, I’m still hoping to see Genesis in FFBE. LOL.
Anyway, I soon heard the news that another Final Fantasy 7 event just started in the Japanese version of Final Fantasy Brave Exvius.
The Japanese version of FFBE just got Neo Visions of the following Final Fantasy VII chars:
- Sephiroth — known as Legendary Hero Sephiroth in base form, brave shifts to One-Winged Angel Sephiroth
- Tifa Lockhart — known as Avalanche’s Tifa in both base form and shift form
- Aeris or Aerith Gainsborough — known as Cetra Descendant Aerith in base form, brave shifts to Aerith & Red XIII
The 3 NV chars are all really good. They come with CG LBs and brave shift forms. Tifa and Sephiroth are also supposed to usher in a new level of powercreep.
Ended up playing FFBE again a short while before the aforementioned event started in the Global version of the game. Incidentally, this coincided with the game’s anniversary so there were a lot of rewards and such to be had.
Actually resumed playing through FFBE’s story mode so I could get more lapis to pull on the Final Fantasy VII banners.
The first FFVII banner that showed up was the one for Aerith. Didn’t pull on this banner though because we actually got a free copy of Cetra Descendant Aerith. We also got enough fragments to be able to get Aerith to NV Ex+ 2/3.
It just wasn’t possible to do that right away since her fragments weren’t given all at once. So those who couldn’t wait or who wanted to max her out to NV Ex+ 3/3 could pull on her banner.
Didn’t mind waiting though so I didn’t bother to pull. Aerith was strong but Tifa and Sephiroth were more powerful since you couldn’t get them for free. Both Tifa and Seph are known as “premium” units.
By now, FFBE finally has a pity system. To guarantee a char, you’ll need at least 30k+ to 40k+ lapis.
But to guarantee a so-called “premium” char like Tifa and Sephiroth, you need at least 60k lapis.
There was much debate going on as to who was stronger between Tifa and Sephiroth. Both were very, very similar.
Tifa deals water damage and is what is known in the game as a TDW (True Dual Wield) type of char. This means she can wield 2 one-handed weapons at once. She can be made to wield only 1 weapon though.
On the other hand, Sephiroth deals dark damage and is a TDH (True Double Hand) type of char. This means he specializes in wielding one 2-handed weapon.
According to some, you don’t really need both Tifa and Sephiroth. You can just pick one of them. But there were also some who were saying that Sephiroth was maybe slightly better than Tifa.
Tifa’s banner showed up after Aerith’s. Sephiroth’s banner was the last to show up.
Neo Visions Legendary Hero Sephiroth Banner
I decided to pull for Sephiroth. Since his banner showed up last, and since Tifa and Aerith aren’t time-limited, it was possible to pull for copies of them while pulling on Seph’s banner. On a side note, Sephi isn’t time-limited either.
So I was hoping to be able to get copies of Tifa and Aerith while pulling for Sephiroth.
I talk more about this in another post but long story short, I was able to get all of them.
Like I said, I didn’t pull for Aerith but we got her to NV Ex+ 2/3 for free. I got a copy of Tifa but can’t remember for sure now if I got her by tossing tickets on her banner or while pulling on the Seph banner.
Also can’t remember if I got any more copies of Tifa. I think I only got 1 but that was fine by me since I’d already decided to focus on maxing out Sephiroth.
Plus, I heard we were soon about to get a Fragment Dungeon where we can get more fragments to max out our chars. So my plan was just to put Aerith and Tifa in the Fragment Dungeon until I can get them both to NV Ex+ 3/3.
As for Sephiroth, IIRC, was able to get my first copy of him pretty early while pulling on his banner. I could have stopped there but I decided that I might as well try to get him to NV Ex+ 3/3.
This will fully max him out and make him really good. And doing this will also undoubtedly help me with clearing more of the content in FFBE that I had yet to do.
Aside from the story mode of the game, there were also lots of trials and other permanent content that I still haven’t done before.
Also need to complete all the time-limited quests that came with this Final Fantasy VII event.
And by continuing to pull on Sephiroth’s banner, I’m also hoping to be able to get chars that I don’t have yet. This includes supports, healers, chars with good TMRs (Trust Master Rewards) and STMRs (Super Trust Master Rewards) and more.
Was able to keep on pulling on the Sephiroth banner thanks to having a lot more content to go through. Just by continuing to play through the game’s story mode, was able to keep getting lapis.
The game’s pity system helped too even if it was really expensive. Was able to get up to 60k lapis which guaranteed me another copy of NV Legendary Hero Sephiroth.
IIRC, spending 60k lapis will get you 20 tickets. You can then use these 20 tickets to exchange for 1 copy of NV Sephiroth.
The exchange shop has a few more copies of Sephi but only 1 costs 20 tickets. The rest of the Seph copies costs 28 tickets. This means needing to spend 60k+ lapis again if you want to pity another copy of Sephiroth.
Didn’t think I’d be able to pity a second copy of Seph but I still kept on pulling on his banner anyway.
Every time I got enough lapis, I’d pull on the Sephiroth banner and hope that I can get more copies of him so it didn’t matter even if I wasn’t able to pity him again.
Thankfully, was able to get more copies of Sephiroth. Wound up being 50 fragments short of being able to max Seph out by the time his banner ended.
The moment the Sephiroth banner left the game, 50 of his fragments showed up in the VIP shop.
Although it cost me a lot of VIP coins, I readily got all of the Sephi fragments in the shop. With those fragments plus all the copies of NV Legendary Hero Sephiroth that I was able to get, managed to get Seph to NV Ex+ 3/3.
As mentioned, whenever the Fragment Dungeon showed up, I made sure to bring Tifa and Aerith in there so, eventually, I was also able to get them both to NV Ex+ 3/3.
Having a fully maxed out Sephiroth really helped me with being able to clear more content in FFBE. Was also soon able to get more chars, like Tifa and Aerith, to help me out.
Thoughts about Final Fantasy Brave Exvius
So I kept on playing FFBE but I was really casual about it and didn’t take it all that seriously. Like I stopped playing through the story mode and didn’t bother doing all of the permanently available content yet.
I focused on doing all of the time-limited events but didn’t let it get to me if there were some quests that I couldn’t do due to not having the right unit or equipment or something.
Also didn’t bother trying to do well or score high in ranked content. I’m perfectly fine with just clearing all the quests once to get the initial clear rewards then moving on to the next quest.
I find Final Fantasy Brave Exvius fun and fine enough, I suppose. And I like how there are a lot of playable Final Fantasy chars here.
But I do find it annoying how the game has a lot of Global exclusive units that are so good that they end up overshadowing the Final Fantasy chars, so much so that it seems like you’re always better off just skipping these Final Fantasy chars and just pulling for the Global exclusive units instead.
In the beginning, I read through all the scenes and such as I played through the story mode of the game. But then I just started skipping the story. I think this started when the Seph banner showed up and I was rushing through doing all the quests I can in order to get more lapis to keep on pulling for Sephiroth.
So instead of bothering to read through all the content, I just tapped on the skip button.
From what I’ve seen of the story so far, it wasn’t really that interesting to me. It seemed like the typical fantasy story.
Rain, the main character, came across as the typical shounen hero. He seemed really cliche. Didn’t really like him all that much.
Lasswell, Rain’s best friend, seemed better but since he was only the secondary char or the sidekick, the focus was hardly ever on him. And even he has his faults.
The dark version of Fina, the main female character, was way more interesting than her light version. But, much to my annoyance, light Fina kept being shoved down our throats instead.
Even before it happened, I already knew that we were gonna have to stick with light Fina no matter what. And, sure enough, events happened such that the dark version of Fina had to disappear for good and we were stuck with her light version instead. Meh.
I talk more about FFBE’s story in another post but the point is that since I started skipping all the story events and content, there are a lot of chars that I just don’t know anything about.
These chars would be featured in banners but they mean nothing to me because I don’t know anything about them. But some of these chars end up being really good so I end up pulling for them anyway since I do want to be able to clear all the content in this game.
I used my NV Ex+ 3/3 Sephiroth until I couldn’t anymore. He was my top DPS for a long time. He was even the first char that I leveled up to 130 when said feature came along.
When Sephi became really powercrept and I couldn’t use him anymore, I ended up with a lot of Global exclusive or Global first chars because they were now the ones who could help me clear content.
I continued taking note of the chars who showed up in the Japanese version of FFBE and who will soon be coming to the English version. There wasn’t really anyone that caught my eye and made me think “must pull for this char” or something though.
And the consensus seemed to be that it was better to just skip these chars and focus on pulling on the Global exclusive ones because they were better.
Final Fantasy Brave Exvius and NieR Collab Event
So that was what I did although I didn’t always pull even if the chars were said to be good.
Like we recently got a collab event with the NieR game but the 2 featured chars, A2 and 2B, are both premium and time-limited. They received a lot of hype with a lot of people saying they were really good.
But I was reluctant to pull for them. Yeah, they’re good but I found myself thinking about the fact that I’ll need to spend at least 60k lapis in order to guarantee 1 of them.
By now the NV pool is so bloated that every time I get a Neo Visions crystal, it feels like I always end up with a dupe or a char that’s long since been outdated and powercrept and was thus useless to me.
I was so sure that if I pulled, I’ll end up having to pity the NieR chars. If I’m only able to get one copy of them, then I’ll probably only be able to get them to NV Ex+ 1/3, at least for now.
Would an NV Ex+ 1/3 char be better than the chars I have who are already at NV Ex+ 3/3?
It would take me a long time to get the NieR units to NV Ex+ 3/3 since I won’t be able to off-banner them once the collab event ends.
By the time I get them to NV Ex+ 3/3 via the Fragment Dungeon, they might could will be powercrept and outdated and useless already.
Final Fantasy Brave Exvius Japan and Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Reunion Collab Event Announcement
So I ended up skipping the NieR banner. And I’m really glad I did because it wasn’t long before the Japanese version of FFBE announced that it was gonna have a collab with Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Reunion.
This coincided with the release of the Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Reunion game.
I’m really glad FFBE decided to do this collab. I was also hoping that Final Fantasy Record Keeper and even the Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia (DFFOO) mobile game will also have a Reunion collab.
But the English version of FFRK ended before Reunion was released. I took a quick look but it seems like the Japanese version of FFRK didn’t bother to have any Final Fantasy VII-related events to coincide with the release of Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Reunion.
Unfortunately, the same can also be said with regards to DFFOO. Was really hoping that Angeal and Genesis will finally become playable in DFFOO but alas, once again, it looks like that won’t be happening anytime soon. Sigh.
Seriously though, I wonder why DFFOO and FFRK didn’t have any FF7 events and banners to go with the release of Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Reunion.
At least FFBE is having a Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Reunion collab event.
NV Zack Fair and NV Angeal Hewley
Initially, the Japanese version of FFBE only announced the arrival of NV Zack Fair and NV Angeal Hewley.
Both of them are SLB chars, meaning they don’t have a brave shift form. They only have 1 form. Depending on their current Ex level, after a certain number of turns, their Limit Burst will turn into a Super Limit Burst (SLB).
Zack is premium while Angeal isn’t. Zack gets a CG LB but Angeal doesn’t have one. Zack gets a really good Leader skill for the lightning element.
And that’s really all I know about these two. LOL. Because to be honest, didn’t really bother taking a look at all the details about them and what they can do. It doesn’t matter because I’m gonna pull for them either way.
So I’m really glad I didn’t pull for the NieR units so I have more lapis for when this Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Reunion collab event finally comes to the Global version of the game.
I’ve been hearing a lot about Zack and how he’s apparently really good so it’s nice to know that he’s usable. Not too sure about Angeal though.
I was disappointed that both of them are SLB. I wish they had a brave shift form like with the other Final Fantasy 7 chars like Sephiroth, Cloud, Aerith, and Tifa. Also wish that Angeal had gotten a CG LB.
I was also secretly hoping that the second week of this event will come with an announcement that there will be another banner and this one will feature Genesis Rhapsodos.
Announcement of Upcoming NV Genesis Rhapsodos Banner
So I was beyond pleased when that actually ended up happening. Hell, yes!
It looks like they only announced that Genesis was coming soon. We didn’t get any more details about him so was free to speculate.
Of course, I really want him to be good. I’ll still pull regardless but of course I want him to be great.
I also really want Genesis to have a CG LB and to have a brave shift form. Maybe he can have his wing out in his shift form. Maybe he can wear his Crisis Core: Final Fantasy 7 outfit in one form then he can wear his Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII outfit in the other form.
I was kinda expecting Genesis to be a physical fire DPS since that’s what he is in FFRK. They could make him a hybrid char so he can deal both physical and magical damage or something, I suppose.
I was torn on whether I wanted him to be “premium” or not. On one hand, being premium means it’ll be more expensive to pull for him but wouldn’t that also mean that he’ll be really good?
I mean, Zack is premium and he’s good. The same could be said for the likes of Sephiroth and Tifa and even the NieR units. They’re all premium and they’re all really good.
That’s not to say that non-premium chars can’t be good because there are non-premium chars who are really good.
So I don’t know. I can only hope that, whether Genesis is a “premium” unit or not, he’ll be really good.
NV Genesis Rhapsodos
We finally get more details about NV Genesis.
- He’s not premium
- He’s an SLB unit, no brave shift
- He’s a fire mage
- He doesn’t have a CG LB
Not gonna lie — was kinda disappointed about this. Well, at least Genesis is finally a playable char in this game.
Still can’t wait for him to get to the Global version of FFBE and will still pull for him, of course. But there are a lot of things I’m disappointed about. I wish FFBE had put more effort into this.
I wish they could have given Genesis a CG LB, even if it’s really short. I wish he could have gotten a brave shift form.
It also sucks to know that he seems to be locked to the fire element. I get why he’s a mage but I’m kinda miffed about that too because mages aren’t that good in this game. Well, there are a few good mages but most of the best DPS are all physical.
At least it looks like Genesis is actually good. He’s being compared to NVA (Neo Vision Awakenable) Black Mage Golbez for having a Meteor-like ability that makes use of his magic and MP to deal damage.
The problem is that this ability of Gen’s is locked to the fire element while Golbez’s Meteor is not. Meteor can be imbued with any element so Golbez can easily fit in any team.
I’m really hoping that when Genesis gets added to the Global version of FFBE, he’ll be updated to also have the Meteor ability.
There are some chars who’ve been upgraded so it’s not impossible but I know it’s not that likely either. Still, let me hope and dream, okay? LOL.
Neo Visions Genesis Rhapsodos Sprite Animations
Here are GIFs of the animations of NV Genesis’s sprite as well as the animation of his Vision Card:
Dazzling Demoness Vision Card
I’m really sad that I missed out on the Dazzling Demoness Vision Card. This Vision Card (VC) gives +500 MP and +120 MAG. It also has the following effects:
- Increase MP and MAG by 100%
- Increase static MP and MAG by 500
- Increase physical and magic damage against aquatics and insects by 100%
- Decrease MP used by 50%
The above effects applies to all chars while the ones below will only apply to FFBE units:
- Increase chain modifier cap by 100%
- Increase equipment MAG by 200% and accuracy by 25% when single wielding any weapon
Dazzling Demoness must have shown up twice or so by now but each time it became available, I never bothered to try and get it.
I didn’t think I needed it. This is apparently a really good VC for Golbez but my own Golbez is only at NVA Ex+ 2/3 so haven’t bothered to use him over my Nv Ex+ 3/3 chars.
But, as it turns out, Genesis wants this card too. Argh! If only I’d known that while the banner that featured this card was up. Sigh.
Now I’m hoping that Dazzling Demoness will come back again. If it does, I’ll definitely get it this time for Genesis.
Genesis does have his own Vision Card. It has +130 MAG and the following effects:
- Increase MAG by 50%
- Increase LB damage by 25%
- Increase static MAG by 500 (only applies to FFVII units)
Genesis’s own Vision Card should work well enough for him, but it does seem like Dazzling Demoness is way better. So I’m really hoping that it comes back or that we get another Vision Card that’s even better than Dazzling Demoness.
Dark Visions Abyss Dark Weapon
Genesis has his own sword but I heard that the Dark Visions 2-handed Abyss Dark weapon sword was better for him.
Genesis’s 2-handed sword comes with +140 ATK and +234 MAG as well as +50% accuracy and 1.25–1.75x variance or damage modifier. It also has the following effects:
- Increase physical and magic damage against humans and machinas by 75%
- Increase static MAG by 500 (AFAIK, this only applies to Genesis)
The Dark Visions 2-handed sword is known as Dark Walküre and it comes with +202 ATK, +405 MAG, +50% accuracy, and 1.25–1.75x variance.
The 2-handed Dark Visions weapons cost 10k Dark Matter each. Right now, only 3 are available. Aside from Dark Walküre, we also have Dark Murasame and Dark Wonder Wand.
Dark Murasame is a 2-handed katana with +405 ATK while Dark Wonder Wand is a 2-handed staff with +405 MAG and +202 SPR.
The suggestion was to go for either the katana or the sword. The sword can be used by the likes of Golbez while the katana can be used by multiple chars, including Sephiroth.
I ended up going for the katana because I heard that Sephiroth was gonna get an update soon so I thought I might be able to use him again. This was way before we got the news that Genesis was gonna be coming soon as a playable char in FFBE.
I ignored the sword since, as aforementioned, my Golbez wasn’t fully built and, IIRC, he was really the only one who was viable enough for the sword.
So I thought I was better off getting the katana since more chars can make use of this. For instance, my NV Ex+ 3/3 Samurai Chizuru, one of the DPS that I’m currently using, can also make use of it.
But after hearing about Genesis and how good the Dark Walküre was for him, I regret going for the Dark Murasame. Because now I don’t have enough Dark Matter to get the Dark Walküre.
Dark Matter can only be obtained by playing through the Dark Visions and/or World Visions events. We only get this kind of event like once a month or so. If you rank high in these events, you can get more Dark Matter.
But since I never bother trying to rank high, I only get a few Dark Matter at a time. Now I’m trying to put a bit more effort whenever we get a Dark Visions and World Visions events but it’s really hard since I don’t have a lot of chars and equipment.
At the time I’m writing this post, I managed to get back up to 7390 Dark Matter so at least it looks like I might be able to get the Dark Walküre before the Genesis banner gets here. Hopefully, anyway.
After buying the 2-handed katana, I was down to like 2k-3k Dark Matter so it seemed near impossible to get back up to 10k in order to get the sword.
NV Cissnei
Welp, just realized that I forgot to talk about Cissnei. LOL. Like with NV Angeal and NV Zack, don’t really know much about NV Cissnei.
Apparently, she’s a free unit so we can easily get her to NV EX+ 3/3 which is great. But since we get her for free, she’s likely not that good.
Plans for Upcoming Final Fantasy Brave Exvius and Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Reunion Collab Event
Definitely gonna pull for Genesis, of course. Hoping to be able to get him to NV Ex+ 3/3 on the first day that his banner drops.
I think I’ll just skip the Angeal and Zack banners for now. I can just hope to get them while pulling for Genesis on his banner.
Or maybe once I get at least 1 copy of Genesis, I can go pull on the Angeal and Zack banners and hope I can get at least 1 copy of them without having to spend too much.
Then again, the NV pool is so bloated by now that you’re more likely to get an off-banner trash unit as opposed to anything good whenever you pull. At least that’s what it feels like for me.
Like I’ve lost track of how many times the old version of NV Rain has trolled me. Already have my first copy of him at NV Ex+ 3/3 so it feels really bad whenever I get more copies of him.
On the other hand, there’s still a lot of chars that I don’t have yet but I never seem to get them.
Anyway, for now, I’m refraining from pulling on any banner. Ideally, I’ll be able to keep on saving until the Genesis banner gets here but if the Dazzling Demoness Vision Card ever comes back, then I want to pull for it.
And if there’s a char or Vision Card or something that could be good for Genesis or that could support him and make him even better, then that could tempt me to pull. Might also need to pull to update my current DPS and supports.
So just need to make sure that I have as much lapis as possible for when Genesis’s banner gets here.
Right now, I have around 148,165 lapis on hand. So far, have been able to avoid pulling on banners. We’ll see if I can keep that up.
Really looking forward to the Crisisi Core: Final Fantasy VII Reunion event. Can’t wait for it to get to the Global version of FFBE. Want to pull for Genesis already, damn it. LOL.
So, what about you? What do you think about the upcoming Final Fantasy Brave Exvius and Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Reunion collab event? Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions by leaving a comment below or by reblogging or replying to this post.
- screenshots are from my Final Fantasy Brave Exvius game account, my Final Fantasy Record Keeper game account, the Japanese version of Final Fantasy Brave Exvius, and the Japanese FFBE live stream on YouTube
- the NV Genesis sprite and Vision Card animation GIFs are from here and here
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Originally published at on January 20, 2023.